weeew it sure has been a hot minute since i messed with one of these, huh?

ain't much here yet-- er, anything-- but I'd love for this to be a lightly organized dumping ground for all my random projects and niche interests and whatnot: be it gamedev projects, homebrew N64 flailing, low poly art, oc writings n such, music bits, various bits of research, and whatever else i feel like. anything's on the table! I always get caught up in trying to manage these things way too much, so I wanna keep it chill here. just do what I want in my own stomping grounds.

'course i gotta actually format a dang site and get the whole structure going, as well as figure out what to slap here first. so it'll prolly be a hot minute before you see much here >w>`

in the meantime uhhh check out my tumblr ig, that's where i'm posting a lot of the sorta stuff i wanna post here!!

and if u wanna sneek peak at my silly ocs, and/or wanna check out a game i cobbled together with blood sweat and tears, i got a quirky lil 3d visual novel i call railgun hangin' around on itch! it's free u have no excuse do it or the sea urchin dies